Saturday, August 17, 2024
Klackabackens Bryggeri, Tegskiftesvägen 2, Önnestad
Starts 17 Aug 14:30
Organizer: KlackabackenBryggeri
It is not possible to buy tickets for this event. The event has already taken place.
Klackabacken Brewery welcome you to Klacka backen Beer Fest 2020. The festival is arranged outdoors right next to the brewery in Önnestad, a short trip from Kristianstad. Klackabacken Beer Fest presents some of the best craft beer breweries and beverage producers, both local and nationwide but also excellent street food from food trucks and live music.
Tickets: Early Bird 180SEK sold between 28th of August 2019 - 30th of September 2019
Ordinari tickets 200SEK sold between 1 of october 2019 - 15th of august 2020
VENUE & TIME | 4:00 pm - 10:30 pm Klackabacken Brewery, Tegskiftesvägen 2, Önnestad, saturday the 15th of august 2020
INFO | Your ticket grants you entrance to the festival and a tasting glass, you are welcome to bring the glass with you when leaving. The ticket is not bound to you personally and can be demised. Brewery Merch from different breweries can be bought at the merch stand at the festival area.
For beverage purchase we only accept tokens, these can be prebought together with your ticket and also at the merch stand at the festival.
The tasting tokens is sold in 10-packs and costs 200SEK, these can later be changed for beer at the bar.
We only accept card or swish payment at the festival and you have to be 18 years old or above to enter the area, this also includes toddlers. Pets and picnic bags including food or drinks is prohibitted at the festival area.
See you there!