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Startar 28 jun 13:00
Slutar 30 jun 02:00

Arrangör: Subkultfestivalen

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Subkultfestivalen returns in 2024!

We are very greatful for the big support we've received in these tough times

Subkultfestivalen will thanks to your support be held once more for the 7th edition in 2024! The festival will be held for two days, with an official pre-party the day before that's sold separately. More info about this will come out soon.

We are also looking for sponsors that would like to support Subkultfestivalen through such means. Please contact us at info@subkultfestivalen.se to receive our sponsor document and get more information of what we can offer you in return for your support.

Framträdanden av Sturm Café, Stilla Havet, Potochkine, Mimikry, Dunderpatrullen, Me The Tiger, O+her, VNV Nation, Aux Animaux, Charta 77, The Sensitives, Sierra, Waveshaper, Ninjaspark, Das Mörtal, Priest, Spock, Del III, Statue of Goat, Stella Sleeps, Octolab, GO_A, Lastkaj 14, Pablo Matisse, Småjävlafötter

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